You are here: Using > Reports > Aged Debts

Aged Debt Report


The AGED DEBTS REPORT is a comprehensive report that lists debtors who have been setoff for a specific time frame OR all debts that have not yet been setoff.


There are two different options:





Criteria for Selection - Setoff Start Date and Setoff End Date


Order: there are three options:


Frequency: This report can be run at anytime.


Account Codes:


- As all other reports, this menu requires access rights assigned in the User Setup. Each Account Code/Department must show "ACCESS", not "RESTRICTED". This report can only be generated for the account code/department that the user has access rights to.


1. From the Reports menu:


2. Move the mouse over Aged Debt Report and click this option: 


3. A dialog screen appears: 


4. Enter a date range: Start Date (Setoff Date) and End Date (Setoff Date):

Both dates default to today, but type over to edit, or use the to initiate the calendar.


5. Select one of the two options:



6. Select one of the three options of print order:


7. Select the desired account code/department:



Sample Aged Debt ReportDebts NOT Setoff - Last Name, First Name order - for "HLT" Account Code


Sample Aged Debt Report - Debts Setoff - uses the Start and End Date Range of 10/01/2012 - 11/12/2012 and SSN order for ALL Account Codes




This report uses the Print Preview options:



  - terminates the view of the report and returns to the Main Menu: